Sadly it doesn’t look as though we’ll be able to get back to our usual 2nd and 4th Wednesday evening meetings until our new season starts in September. However, that does not mean that we shouldn’t draw, paint and be creative. For the next 12 weeks we will have a lot of time to do these things. If we don’t have the luxury of our own art room then why not set up a painting area where we can lay out our preferred pencils, paints, brushes and paper and be able to leave them out for a while. Even set ourselves a timetable.
Because we will be missing out on our meetings and Exhibition the Committee thought of a competition to keep us focused on our art. It runs from 31st March till 29th May and all the work submitted must be completed during that time. An email has gone out to all members with the categories and just a couple of rules, and where and how to send the photographs for putting on our website. If you haven’t received one then get in touch with a member of the Committee. Each category will be judged and there will be a small prize for the winners .
If your own photographs and sketches are not sufficiently inspiring then may I suggest – a brilliant website with hundreds of photographs of any subject you could think of. It’s free to join and there is no problem with copyright. If you do use one of their photos and would like to credit whose photo you’re using then that’s great, but not compulsory.
I’ve got my area sorted and am going to work in Chinese freehand style as a change from oils. So let’s get going and find out what wonderful art can be created.