
We try to provide a varied programme of interesting speakers and demonstrators, always bearing in mind that not all our members paint in oils, draw with a pencil, or, in fact do either. Many of the artists who come to us are well known and local. Occasionally we have specialists in paper and media to show off their products, with the chance for us to try and purchase if we wish. We’ve also dabbled in talks on printing, stained glass and pottery, all of which were very successful.

This year we were very lucky to have Peter Humphrey, the Art Historian, give us a talk on the influence of Titian in 17th Century Art. Now you could think that this might be a little dry, but no, it was quite fascinating and gave us a very enjoyable evening and a great insight into the 17th Century Art World.

We have several Saturday workshops for members during the year giving us the opportunity to enjoy a demonstration by an artist on a particular subject and the chance to try out their techniques and ideas for ourselves whilst the artist is on hand to help.

Wendover Art Club Programme 2024/2025

September 2024

12th – AGM
Time to come along and have your say, pay your membership fee and hear what the Club has planned for this session.  With time afterwards to socialise over drinks and nibbles.

26th – David Wilcox B.A. will be demonstrating figures in watercolour

October 2024

10th – Creative evening,  “Musical chairs” with pastels, pencils and paper.  No apologies for another one of these – only this time we move not the table!  

19th – Saturday workshop
Keith Hornblower –  Watercolour Townscapes

24th – Demonstration by Gary Spencer, who is making a return visit to the Club with a harbour scene in acrylic and collage.  His approach to landscapes last session was great fun and I’m sure this will be an evening not to miss.

November 2024

14thCreative evening with Cate Bowley on shaving foam marbling.  Instructions for this and what to bring will be sent out nearer the time, but be prepared to maybe get a bit messy and have fun.

28thTalk  by Barbara Jefford  “Women Artists ….. Why so few?”.  

December 2024

12thMembers Christmas get together
A chance to social in a friendly atmosphere of interactive games and brain teasers, loosely connected with art.
There will be refreshments to keep our cognitive powers working.

A very happy and peaceful Christmas to all

January 2025

9thDemonstration by Graham Jefford  of “Landscape in charcoal”.
This is a chance to see how charcoal can work to produce interesting landscapes, by one of our very talented Members.

23rdVarvara Nieman demonstrating her approach to ‘Still Life’ in acrylic.
Do have a look at her website to gain an idea of her colourful approach to all subjects, and then come along to the demo to see how it’s done.

February 2025

13thCreative evening – “Making your Mark”  with Liz Boote helping us to realise that paint brushes are not the only tool for an artist.

22ndSaturday workshopGary Spencer –  acrylic and collage harbour scene. 

27thPeter Keegan demonstrating a garden landscape in oils.

For me this is a not to be missed session.  Peter’s approach to all his work is very fluid with an influence of the ‘expressionists’ that lends colour and movement.

March 2025

13thCreative evening of ‘Rapid Sketching’ with Liz Boote.  All too often we take far too long to create a sketch or painting this is a chance to find out how effective a few lines created in a short time can be.

27thDemonstration by Leila Ward of a Turneresque riverscape in watercolour.

Painting water is always a challenge so Leila’s demonstration will be very welcome, particularly as it will include reflections.

April 2025

10thCreative evening ‘Blind Abstract’ in watercolour or acrylic, led by Lori North.

12thSaturday workshop with Heather McDowell of ‘Landscape’ in acrylic.
Heather has very fluid style with acrylics, so do have a look at her website.

24thTushar Sabale demonstrates a figure group in oils.
A new name to our group, but one to look forward to.  Again do have a look at his website to see his work which is quite amazing.

May 2025

8thCreative evening – “Don’t Look Now”  I won’t say anything else except bring a board, paper and pencils and have some fun.

22ndDVD and Social before we all dash off on holidays.